Designing and delivering a mentally safe event

'I found this course really informative and personable'

'Such an eye opening course that was thoroughly delivered!'

This course is for anyone that is managing events who wants to design an event that takes mental safety seriously.  No previous knowledge of mental health is needed.

Endorsed by:

What's included?

What you will learn:
 The impact of the pandemic on event design
 What we mean by mental safety at events
 Opportunities that event professionals have to improve mental safety
 How a simple change to your risk assessment could save lives
 Safety statements in the current situation
 How to create a caring culture in a high-paced environment
 What to do in preparation for the different stages of event design to manage stress for delegates and crew
 Managing stress when things go wrong
  • 8 Chapters
  • 23 PDF
  • 45 Questions
  • 25 Videos
  • 1 Certification

Take your events to the next level

The course will take you around 4 hours to complete and you will learn how to consider, develop and deliver events that are more accessible and more people-centric.  

Clarify your position

You will also learn how to put the ideas presented to you into action and build your own mental safety strategy that aligns with your business values. 

Course contents

Meet the instructor

Laura Capell-Abra

Laura Capell-Abra has been part of the events industry for 18 years. Laura worked her way up the ranks of event organising and ran International events agency, Sledge Ltd for 5 years.

During this time, she was commissioned to write the For Dummies guide to Event Management and has been recognised in awards such as the top 35 under 35 list and being voted number 36 in the Event Top 100.

Laura founded Stress Matters to support those in the industry after experiencing her own challenges with her mental health at various points over the last 20 years.
Patrick Jones - Course author

Frequently asked questions

Is this course suitable if I'm experiencing mental ill health?

This course will support your understanding of what you are experiencing but this course is not a substitution for therapy or medical interventions. If you are experiencing mental ill health, please seek medical assistance from your GP or an appropriate accredited professional.  The team have qualifications in areas such as coaching, mental health first aid and other relevant areas but are not medical professionals and as such, please consult your GP for any specific support.

Where can I go for extra support?

If you are based in the UK, please contact your registered GP. If you are not registered with a GP, please visit:  This will take some time so if you need more urgent support, please consider the following options: 
Samaritans (24 hours a day/7 days a week) 116 123 or email
Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 917 7650 or use this link to find where you nearest meeting might be.
International Stress Management Association have lots of useful tools and ideas as to how manage your stress.

I am struggling to navigate the course, please help! 

We have tried to make it as easy possible to understand but sometimes things can be tricky so don't you worry, we are here to help!  Please email and we can set-up a time to talk you through the areas of the site you need support with.